Plan your weeks and enjoy your daily actions. Following a creative plan brings out a talented and efficient person inside you. Indeed productive people do things they love. In that sense, work doesn’t seem like work but instead seems like a hobby.
With utmost dedication, passion, patience and attachment towards what you love can make the things work. So, how can you love and what items you have to love is the next question you have to answer.
I have some simple methods which are practically helped me in my career. First, take a piece of paper or in your diary, write down the activities, causes, or ideas can fuel your drive to succeed.
On your initial days write a minimum of 5 tasks you have to follow for the next week. Example; Read one Book, Listen to the podcast for 3o minutes, Learn five new vocabularies daily, doing exercise for 20 minutes, meditate for15 minutes etc. Write down these things and try to start doing with a positive and loving mind. After one week, check your progress. Did you truly honest about this plan or not? If not, its time to rethink about your strength and weakness. Just relax and ask yourself the reasons and things which takes you down from these schedules.
Finding reasons and trying to solve the problems are in the first step towards your ultimate success in life. You can achieve better results while engage and focus on productive activities. So try to find out productive activities yourself and follow a strict daily, weekly, monthly schedule one day you will realize the power of self-discipline and tracking your plans. Everything you can touch with this simple, dedicated, loving mindset.
Try to manage your time is the next important step. In a day, there are 1440 minutes are allowed for all of us. In that minimum of 360 minutes, we are in sound sleep. So remaining minutes are the one we have to use for our productive life. Try to maximize your time to engage in your schedules which automatically takes you to great success. By cutting out the fluff in your life, you will realize how precious managing the time. (Continue)